The big problem with the media is that businesses and organisations use money, that is not theirs to sell products that are dangerous or don't work with lies and fear.
The food like product/"healthcare"/insurance/fraud industry is blaming immigrant, gay, disabled, black, Muslim, Christian, Zika, green monkey, rat, microbial, noxious, vampire, weeds for problems they caused, will embezzling money from SSI, Medicaid, Medicare, schools, children, taxpayers, women, minorities, charities, "homeland security" and home buyers.
If you want to know who pays for the "news" just watch the commercials, as a disabled person, I find it difficult to compete with hate groups using money "for disabled" people to slander me. I am not exploiting the system, the system is exploiting me, my disability is not enough to live off of and it is certainly not an acquitted replacement for the income I could expect with my skills in physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics if I had not been inflicted with disability by unwanted products such as: "preventive dental care", vaccines, incontinence causing food-like products,"education"/human storage, medication to treat incontinence, antibiotics, surgery, and finally "mental healthcare" as punishment for being honest about multiple "healthcare" frauds and trying to treat smokers cough, in people who couldn't afford to pay, with safe legal plants.
People who are routinely made disabled by bad policies and slandered to promote sales, often don't have the billions of dollars, it would take to compete with the huge companies lobbying against their interests.
Please make the marketers give back, the fraudulently obtained money, so they can't afford to fill the airways with irritating and dangerous lies.
Thank You,
Mary E. Ester Esther Tormey.