First of all let me thank Alan Stokes for his groundbreaking research in Autism related deaths. Sensory disorder is a condition where people perceive the world differently. In this day and age sensory issues are far more common than people realize. Most people experience minor sensory issues, like using gray noise or music to block out excess sound, getting headache from bright lights, or simply feeling the need to engage in constant motion. The sensory system is used to help people and animals avoid danger. Through natural selection, populations develop awareness of what they need to survive. Feeling pain from sound is a common problem that can be fatal in certain situations. In other situation feeling pain from sound can save your life. Sensitivity to sound is common species that have a lot of natural predators, because it protects them from being eaten. Alan's blog shows tragic fatalities, some that may result from poor environmental planning. The problem of sensory traps, such as playing loud noise near water or busy roads can drive someone into a very dangerous situations.
There is also a huge problem with charities abusing the disabled, because disabilities are confusing and hard to accommodate. Disabled people should be given a basic living allowance large enough to disqualify them from other public assistance, it is redundant and unnecessary to means test disabled people, because they live on a fixed income. Also disabled people take more time and effort. It is ridiculous to pay multiple living wage employees to tell disabled people they should commit suicide, so the electric company can have more money. Also it is extremely expensive to repeatedly hospitalize people who's needs are not being met.
We need to make everyone aware of sensory disorder, so we can protect vulnerable populations. Alan has kept excellent records showing deaths. I am asking everyone to do what they can to raise awareness at businesses charities and other organizations. I recommend being creative right a song, draw a meme or talk to people in places you visit such as charities businesses and public schools.
This link shows the deaths of 15, five year olds some of these deaths could have been prevented, by a better understanding of sensory disorder.
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