This is very similar to the hate speech about phrenology coming out of Nazi Germany. I'm even less happy as a nobel prize winning squid about the way "medical professionals" have treated me and wasted funding. Squids are smart they have big nerves and also probably disliked being mistreated in the name of science, but there is the added insult of doing such poor work at the expense of children.
This research is nothing more than hate speech if you refuse to recognise our basic needs or our skills. Why am I being thrown away like trash instead of included in this research as a researcher? I have both a degree in science and lab work experience. I even got 25 cent raises at North Idaho College as a prep room assistant. Is it because they are working against our best interests when they knew about the mutagens my parents were exposed to before I was born? Is it because I denounce poor logic and refuse to follow doctrine I have personally proven false? Is it because I ask for and demand accountability and say over what happens to my body? How many of the people working on these scans could possibly have as much experience as I have? I studied evolutionary theory, game theory, religious theory, and mythology even as a toddler. I saw my brother regress right before my eyes after we both received what they claimed was a polio vaccine. I have been the victim of many medical experiments. Not only that I was subjected to cruel and unusual punishments for my disability. They blamed me for my incontinence and told my parents fair tails about how I was "testing my limits or acting out for attention. They destroyed my family, as they came up with abusive test and tried to force me to comply with assignments, that were extremely painful due to my disabilities. I can't even get good records of a medical rape, where they would have very likely seen the damage done to my digestive system and bladder. I was 10, I had been on antibiotics for years and they told me the other children would continue to bully me often with the encouragement of grown ups who should have known better unless I stop wetting myself. I felt this was my only hope of ever being treated humanely, I did not have a choice. I was referred to any fully consented to experimental an allergy vaccine signing a document saying I had tried every available option. They lied in a document telling me, I had "the right to discontinue treatment" at any time. They started out kidnaping me and making false claims to make a case against me. I was both physically and psychologically abused. I could not afford to keep paying for the kidnaping, they were hurting me and stealing my money. I needed enough money to support my recovery and research. I was concerned that in a worst case scenario, I would run out of money by 28 and I needed to find a job, that paid enough to live. I did not plan on collecting disability, but they forced me to take a minty blue pill that did serious long term damage to my sensory system. I am still struggling to meet my basic needs, well enough to continue my research into subatomic particles. Using congruent figure I have discovered "who's" much like the "who's" horton discovered. My systematic processes are still unstable.
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